Are Dental Bridges Right for You?

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Are dental bridges right for you? If you have suffered any sort of tooth loss or had a tooth extraction, a dental bridge is an excellent alternative for your mouth. The replacement provided by a dental bridge can simulate real teeth in both look and function, and they can help restore your mouth to the days before you lost your tooth. If you are interested, contact our team at North Texas Dental, to get you on the road to recovery with an excellent dental bridge treatment option.

With the addition of a dental bridge, your smile and appearance can improve. Tooth loss often creates an indent in your jawline, which can make your face look sunken in and older. Dental bridges may be able to remove years off your look as well.

Eating with missing teeth can be an arduous task, especially with hard and chewy food. Using dental bridges to fill in those missing gaps can not only remove any food restrictions you may have, but also make eating healthier, easier, and less painful.

Dental bridges can vastly improve your speech abilities depending on the location of the bridge. Even some misalignment issues can be corrected or minimized to prevent further damage, drifting teeth, or other misalignment issues.

If you would like to schedule an oral exam with Dr. Michael Nguyen, stop by our office in Sherman, Texas, or contact our team at 903-893-2800. Don’t let missing teeth ruin your life, come in now and see what dental bridges can do for you!