Your Regularly Scheduled Dental Exam Might Also Include a Fluoride Treatment

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Your regularly scheduled dental checkups with Dr. Michael Nguyen and the staff at North Texas Dental in Sherman, Texas, are intended to thoroughly clean your teeth, and identify any developing oral health problems. This very important appointment is essential for maintaining the general health of your mouth.

It starts with a dental hygienist who will clean and polish your teeth. This phase of the appointment will thoroughly remove plaque, and tartar from your teeth, and remove minor surface stains.

Our team will then perform a thorough dental exam of your teeth, gums, and other oral structures. Should we find an area of concern, we will talk with you about your treatment options.

If our dentist notices signs of demineralized tooth enamel, we might recommend a fluoride treatment to bolster the mineral density of your teeth. This treatment can help prevent cavities from developing between your dental checkups. The concentrated fluoride gel only takes a few minutes to increase the natural strength of your teeth. If we have further concerns, we may provide you with a prescription for fluoride supplements, a concentrated fluoride toothpaste, or a specially formulated mouth rinse.

If you live in the Sherman, Texas, region and you are due for your next dental checkup, you should call 903-893-2800 to schedule an appointment at North Texas Dental. We will be happy to serve you today!